Promotion, Tenure, and Evaluation Calendars
These calendars list the dates for major actions in each of the following:
Annual Evaluation — Look here to see when the Faculty Annual Activities Report (FAAR) is due, when the Annual Performance Review (APR) is submitted from the department to the Dean, and so forth.
Promotion and Tenure — Look here to see when files are due, when the Promotion and Tenure Committee concludes its review and submits recommendations, when the Dean, Provost, and others make their reviews and recommendation, and when final action is taken by the Board of Visitors.
Student Course Evaluations — The general time table for conducting student evaluations in your courses is provided here, along with the list of which departments are scheduled for student course evaluations of tenured faculty in a given semester. Note that all adjunct faculty, and any full-time faculty who are not tenured will have course evaluations conducted each fall and spring semester in which they teach. Tenured faculty do student course evaluations once a year (in either the fall or spring). Student evaluations are not conducted for summer session courses, unless the faculty member requests that one be done.