University Calendars
- Academic Calendar
- Public Events Calendar
- Athletic Events Calendar
- Student Accounts Refund Schedule
- Employee Work/Life
- Upcoming Alumni Events
- Theatre Season (Department of Theatre and Dance)
- Great Lives Calendar of Lectures (updated each January)
- James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library Events
- UMW Galleries Exhibitions and Events (Department of Art and Art History)
- Gari Melchers Home and Studio Events
Alerts about school closings, service outages, and other timely information are found on the Campus Advisories page.
If you have a question about the academic calendar, please contact the Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness. If you have a question about any other calendar or schedule, please refer to the bottom of that calendar or schedule for a link you can use to contact the office which maintains the respective website.
Parents and family members of students can stay up-to-date with what is happening at the University of Mary Washington by going to the Events Calendar.