JEPSON FELLOWS FOR the 2010-2011 academic year
1. Ben Odhiambo Kisila, Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
“Isotopic analysis of soil erosion, sediment yields and potential pollutants pathways in the Rappahannock River basin, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay system”
2. Jeremy Larochelle, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish)
“Antologia de poesia amazonica reciente: del pensamiento amazonico a la ecologia/Critical Anthology of Recent Amazonian Poetry: From Amazonian Thought to Ecology”
3. Emile Lester, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Affairs
“Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and Liberal Regime Analysis”
4. Jessica Locke, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish)
“The Mary/Eve Dichotomy in Contemporary Mexican Literature”
5. Maya Mathur, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication (English)
“From the Elizabethan Clown to the Jacobean Wit: Comic Economies in Early Modern England”
6. Charles Sharpless, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
“Exploring the Chemical Basis of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter Photoreactivity”
JEPSON FELLOWS FOR the 2009-2010 academic year
1. Robert Barr, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Affairs
“Understanding Populism”
2. Antonio Barrenechea, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication (English)
“America Unbound: Hemispheric Legacies in the Postwar Novel”
3. Stephen Davies, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
“Modeling Subjectivity in Database Exploration”
4. Steven E. Harris, Assistant Professor, Department of History and American Studies
“Moving to the Separate Apartment: Mass Housing and the Crisis of Rising Expectations in Soviet Russia Under Khrushchev and Brezhnev”
5. H. Nicole Myers, Associate Professor of Education (CGPS)
“The University of Mary Washington Autism Clinic: Creating a Collaborative Authentic Learning Experience to Benefit Community, Colleagues, and Children”
6. Holly Schiffrin, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
“Applying the Undoing Hypothesis to the Cognitive Domain”
JEPSON FELLOWS for the 2008-09 academic year
1. Paul D. Fallon, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Linguistics, and Speech (Linguistics)
“Reduplication in the Blin Language”
2. Randall D. Helmstuttler, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
“Topology from the Categorical Point of View”
3. Craig T. Naylor, Associate Professor, Department of Music
“Chickadee Symphony: An Ethological Approach to Composition”
4. Marcel P. Rotter, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (German)
“If you Can’t Enlist–Invest:’ Visual Strategies of Germany, Austria, Great Britain, and the United States in the War Bond Campaigns of World Wars I and II”
5. Farhang Rouhani, Associate Professor, Department of Geography
“Geographies of exile: Media, mobility, and home among Iranians in the United States”
JEPSON FELLOWS for the 2007-2008 academic year
1. Karen Anewalt Cockrell, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
“Connecting the Dots: Developing Interdisciplinary Project Modules for Computer Science Courses”
2. Suzanne de Janasz, Associate Professor of Leadership and Management
“Integrating Service Learning into Business Education to Develop Leadership, Social Responsibility, and Communities”
3. Thomas D. Fallace, Assistant Professor, Department of Education
“John Dewey in the Educational Imagination”
4. Susan Fernsebner, Assistant Professor, Department of History and American Studies
“Material Choreographies: China’s Participation in World’s Fairs and Expositions”
5. Scott M. Powers, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (French)
“The Secularization of Evil in Modern French Literature”
6. Federico Schneider, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (Italian)
“The Healing Agenda in Literature and the Arts”
JEPSON FELLOWS for the 2006-2007 academic year
1. Christofer C. Foss, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Linguistics, and Speech
“A New Edition of Toru Dutt’s Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan”
2. Elizabeth Franklin Lewis, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages
“The Concept of Caridad in the Literature of Spain: Origins, Expressions, and Applications”
3. Keith Mellinger, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
“New Classes of Optical Orthogonal Codes from Finite Geometry”
4. Jennifer A. Polack Wahl, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
“Designing Computer Technology Learning Modules in the K-12 Curriculum”
JEPSON FELLOWS for the 2005-2006 academic year
1. Alejandro Cervantes-Carson, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
“Sexuality, Human Rights, and the Decentering of Heterosexuality: A Book Project”
2. Jason W. Davidson, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Affairs
“Signaling Resolve in Contemporary American Foreign Policy”
3. Jeff Edmunds, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
“New Mathematical Models in the Study of Competing Species”
4. Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee, Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion
Feminism – A Feminist Ethic in the Making”
JEPSON FELLOWS for the 2004-2005 academic year
1. Dawn S. Bowen, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
“Residential Segregation in an African-American Community: An Examination of the Jackson Ward Neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia, 1900-1930”
2. Andrew Dol
by, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
“Extra Pair Mating and the Reproductive Biology of the Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)”
3. Christina Kakavá, Associate Professor, Department of English, Linguistics, and Speech
“Power, Ideology, and Identity in Conflict Talk”
4. Susan C. Matts, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
Understanding Electronic Conduction in Microelectronic Conductors”
5. Debra Schleef, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
“Latinos in Dixie: Assimilation and Ethnic Identity in Richmond”
*All faculty ranks indicated are from the time that the individual was selected as a Jepson Fellow.