Faculty Hiring Forms and Procedures
The list below provides information regarding a number of procedures and accompanying forms that are relevant to faculty; these are in addition to the several policies that are relevant to faculty at the University of Mary Washington and which are posted and maintained in the University’s Online Policy Directory. Faculty policies, procedures, and forms are updated periodically. Please contact the Office of the Provost with questions or suggestions for additional policy or procedure statements you think should be listed here or contained in the University Policy Manual.
The Faculty Handbook is another useful source for locating policies that are relevant to faculty.
Compensation Scale: Adjunct pay scale Updated July 2024
Hiring Process: Adjunct Hiring Process and Procedures
New Faculty Forms for Adjuncts and Full-time Faculty:
UMW Faculty Data Sheet-2024 Updated July 2024
To be completed by all full-time faculty and part-time at the time of their initial appointment to a teaching positions. Submit completed electronic form to Provost Office.
Alternate Faculty Credentials Form
Use this form to document the person’s qualifications for teaching a particular course in cases where the person does not have the minimum degree credentials recommended by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
SACS Guidelines on “Faculty Credentials”
Appointment to the Graduate Faculty:
According to §3.7.1 of the current University Faculty Handbook, appointment to membership in the graduate faculty of the university is made by the Provost. Graduate faculty status is provided to qualified full-time faculty members teaching in programs offering graduate level courses and/or degrees. Nominations for membership in the graduate faculty are made by the faculty member’s department and are sent by the department chair to the dean of the college in which the department is housed. If the dean concurs, the recommendation is forwarded to the Provost for action. Nominations for membership in the graduate faculty must be made on the appropriate form (Graduate Faculty Nomination Form). The primary criterion for consideration as a member of the graduate faculty is possession of an appropriate earned terminal degree in the discipline of the courses to be taught. Additional criteria considered are evidence of scholarly productivity in his/her field, and evidence of successful teaching.
Each semester (and summer session) in which an EXEMPT classified or administrative/professional faculty member will be teaching a UMW course and will be paid for teaching in addition to their regular pay, must submit in writing a request, to the Dean of their college. Once the Dean has approved the request, it is then submitted to the Office of the Provost for final approval.
Position Requests – For Replacement and New Positions in Academic Affairs
ALL REQUESTS to fill a vacant or to propose to initiate a new faculty, administrative faculty, classified, or wage position at the University are managed via the online “Careers” web site. Prior to starting the position request in Careers, the hiring manager must have received preliminary authorization to proceed from the Provost.
Once the position request is initiated in the “Position Management” track in Careers, it will route through various levels of formal approval (Dean, Provost, Budget Office, and so forth). When the final notification of position approval is received, the hiring manager then initiates the process to post the position for recruitment (“Applicant Tracking”), which is also done through the Careers web site.
Questions about Careers processes should be addressed to the UMW Office of Human Resources. Questions about how to receive preliminary approval by the Provost to proceed with a position request should be addressed to the Provost.