Other Leaves for Faculty
Full-time faculty members seeking a leave of absence without pay, sick leave, infant care leave, or some other leave arrangement other than a sabbatical leave must initiate the leave request by a letter to the Dean. Because the circumstances necessitating these sorts of leaves are varied and unpredictable, applications are accepted throughout the year. Because these leaves also must be recommended by the Dean and approved by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Mary Washington, applicants must make the necessary request in writing as soon as the need for such a leave is clear. Details about what must be included in the written leave request to the Dean are specified in the relevant sections of the Faculty Handbook where these other leaves are described (see §3.12).
The pay and benefit arrangements pertaining to these other leaves are described in the Faculty Handbook. Persons on leaves of absence without pay do not retain benefits because state regulations do not permit this. If, however, an individual is seeking a leave because he/she has been awarded an external grant, it may be possible to explore a leave option that would enable the retention of benefits IF the grant will pay the faculty member at least half of his/her annual salary and will also cover the cost of benefits. Interested persons should contact the Dean for additional information after the grant has been awarded and before making a leave request.