Sample Message to Advisees about the Spring 2020 Grading Scale
Offered as a suggestion for communicating with a faculty member’s advisees. Developed by Timothy M. O’Donnell
(Associate Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Success) and the Office of Academic Services.
Dear advisee,
I am following up on the FAQ on the new flexible Spring 2020 grading scale distributed by the Office of the Registrar. You have the option of changing one, some, or all of your courses to the alternate grading scale and must do so by Friday, April 24, 2020.
You are encouraged to take the following steps to determine if a grade scale change is necessary.
Step 1: Read the Frequently Asked Questions document since many of the common questions pertaining to the new grading system are addressed in this document.
The alternate grading scale for Spring 2020 is as follows:
- Credit (CRT): for grades of C or higher. This grade satisfies General Education, major requirements, and prerequisites of C or higher.
- Pass-19 (P-19): for grades of C-, D+ or D. This grade will satisfy General Education, most major requirements and some
- No Credit (NCRT): for failing grades which will award no credit.
Step 2: Assess your current grade in each of your Spring 2020 courses as well as any remaining assignments (and consult with your instructor, if necessary). If your projected final grade will bring your cumulative or major GPA down, you may want to consider the new grading scale. The new grading scale is designed to prevent COVID-19 from impacting your GPA while permitting courses taken this term to count for General Education requirements as well as most major/minor requirements.
Importantly, there are some major courses for which the grade of P-19 will not meet a prerequisite.
Step 3: If you decide to change from the A-F letter grade scale in any of your courses, you will do this in Banner. No paperwork is required. As a reminder, if you do not change your grade scale, the default will remain a letter grade A-F.
In addition, the Office of Academic Services will be hosting Zoom sessions ( about the new grading scale and will be available to answer your questions about the new grading scale at the following dates and times:
- Tuesday, April 7 (4:00-5:00pm)
- Thursday, April 9 (11-12pm)
- Wednesday, April 15 (1-2pm)
- Friday, April 17 (11-12pm)
- Monday, April 20 (4-5pm)
- Tuesday, April 21 (10-11am)
Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to speaking with you if I can be of assistance.