Sabbatical Application Evaluation Criteria and Procedures
Two general criteria guide the evaluation of sabbatical applications: the quality of the proposal, which includes its specificity and its persuasiveness; and the potential significance of the proposed project within its disciplinary or interdisciplinary area. It is crucial that the proposal envision a finished product. Proposals should always indicate how the project will make a contribution to scholarship or visual and performance traditions, and how the project will enhance the individual’s teaching and/or professional development.
In evaluating submitted proposals, the Dean will consider the faculty member’s record of scholarly productivity and of completing projects. The Dean will also consider the time which has passed since the person’s prior leave, if there was one, and seniority. It is crucial that anyone who has received a prior sabbatical leave have on file a report from that leave.
Sabbatical Recommendations by the Dean and the Provost
By October 7, 2011, the Dean will inform the Provost and the University Committee on Sabbaticals, Fellowships, and Faculty Awards of his/her recommendations regarding the sabbatical applications submitted from faculty in the Dean’s college. The Committee on Sabbaticals, Fellowships, and Faculty Awards will review the recommendations forwarded by all College Deans and will, by October 28, 2011, inform the Provost of their recommendations. Following the Provost’s review, sabbatical applicants, the College Deans, and the Committee on Sabbaticals, Fellowships, and Faculty Awards will be informed by November 10, 2011 of the recommendations being by the Provost forwarded to the Board of Visitors regarding the sabbaticals that should be awarded for the next academic year. Final action on the awarding sabbatical leaves is taken by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Mary Washington at their next meeting after the Provost