Sabbatical Awards for 2012- 2013
Nabil Al-Tikriti, Associate Professor of History
Project: Complete final chapters of monograph on the Ottoman empire and submit final draft for publication.
(Spring 2013)
David Cain, Distinguished Professor of Religion
Project: Complete a collection of essays on Kierkegaard.
(Fall 2012)
Mindy Erchull, Associate Professor of Psychology
Project: Analyze collected data, prepare to present project and results for publication on objectification among young women.
(Fall 2012)
Eric Gable, Professor of Anthropology
Project: Complete book on the archeology of art.
(Spring 2013)
James Gaines, Professor of French
Project: Complete series of articles on 18th century literature.
(Spring 2013)
Stephen Hanna, Professor of Geography
Project: Consolidate research and submit book for publication on heritage tourism in Fredericksburg.
(Academic year 2012-2013)
Bruce O’Brien
Project: To complete book draft for a series on modern England.
(Academic year 2012-2013)
Jennifer Polack-Wahl, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Project: Complete final testing of iTouch to be used in elementary education.
(Spring 2013)