Academic Services Message, March 23, 2020
From: “Wes Hillyard (rhill5ch)” <>
Date: Monday, March 23, 2020 at 10:49 AM
To: “Wes Hillyard (rhill5ch)” <>
Cc: “Tim O’Donnell (todonnel)” <>
Subject: Process to Report Student Concerns
Dear Colleagues,
As we begin the second week of remote instruction, we wanted to take a moment and review the resources available when you have concerns about a student.
Student mental health concerns can continue to be reported via the UMW Reporting Form. This report is regularly monitored, however the traditional Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) meetings cannot be held and the Dean of Student Life is not holding in-person meetings. The Student Affairs team will however attempt to connect with the student to provide a check-in and, if needed, initiate a wellness check.
Disengaged students and/or students who are not communicating with you should be addressed in the following way:
First, if you have not already, please attempt to reach out to the student using email, phone, and/or an EAB text message (a “how to” guide for EAB texting is attached to this email, for your reference).
Second, if you have tried and the student is not responsive to your efforts and you remain concerned, please email with the student’s name, Banner ID, course title, and a brief description of your concern. Academic Services is monitoring this account and will send a follow up text message asking that the student get in touch with you as soon as possible. Academic Services will also keep a record of this alert in case it is needed in the future.
Third, you may also wish to share your concern with the student’s academic advisor as a coordinated outreach approach. In many cases, advisors can be helpful in supporting efforts to connect with a student.
As a reminder, all students have until April 24 at 5pm to complete an individual course withdrawal using the Withdrawal Form. Students can email the completed form to and should CC their academic advisor. If appropriate, faculty are encouraged to consider incomplete grades in order to allow students additional time to complete remaining work.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Academic Services at
Wesley Hillyard III
Director of Academic Services
University Of Mary Washington
Phone: 540-654-1264