Prospectus for New Program Proposal

Depending on the type of new program proposed, the contents of the prospectus change. Complete the prospectus required for the kind of new program being proposed and attach the completed document to the proposal in CIM. Respond to each of the separate items listed for the prospectus being completed.

The Prospectus for a new major program should provide the following:

  1. Program description
  2. Justification (why the new major is needed)
  3. Relationship to UMW mission
  4. Measurable program outcomes/student learning objectives for the new major
  5. What is the associated degree program for this major? (All new majors must be linked to an existing degree program in UMW’s approved SCHEV inventory).
  6. Credit hours required for the major (must be between 30 – 48 credits; the new major must have at least required 23 credits hours that are the same for it and the other majors in the associated degree program)
  7. New courses needed to deliver the new major at start up
  8. Additional resources required to launch the new major

The Prospectus for a new minor program should provide the following:

  1. Program description
  2. Justification (why the new minor is needed)
  3. Relationship to UMW mission
  4. Credit hours required for the minor (must be between 15 – 28 credits; the new minor must require at least 3courses at the 300/400 level; no more than two courses required in the minor may overlap with any other major’s or minor’s required courses)
  5. New courses needed to deliver the new minor at start up
  6. Additional resources required to launch the new minor

The Prospectus for a new certificate program should provide the following:

  1. Program description
  2. Justification (why the new certificate is needed)
  3. Relationship to UMW mission
  4. Credit hours required*
  5. New courses needed to deliver the new certificate at start up
  6. Additional resources required to launch the new certificate

*Credit hours for certificates:

  • Undergraduate certificate (all undergraduate courses): 9 – 18 credits
  • Post-graduate certificate (combines advanced undergraduate and graduate courses): 9-15 credits
  • Graduate certificate (all graduate courses): 12-24 credits

The Prospectus for a new degree program should provide the following:

  1. Program description
  2. Description of the planning/study that lead up to this Prospectus
  3. Justification (why the new degree is needed)
  4. Measurable program outcomes/student learning objectives
  5. Relationship to UMW mission and existing degree programs
  6. Credit hours required for the major and the degree (major must be between 30 – 48 credits; total for the degree must be 120 – provide justification if proposing more than 120 total credits for the degree)
  7. New courses needed to deliver the program at start up
  8. Specify additional resources required to launch the program