Contract Transition Process
President Rick Hurley formed a committee to explore and make recommendations regarding the numerous steps that would be required to transition Stafford Campus faculty positions to new contractual arrangements. The charge to the committee requested that they “develop the process to be followed in making the determination for converting particular individuals and positions to new contract types.” Furthermore, the committee was “requested to examine any existing contractual requirements as specified in the University Faculty Handbook that might require modification in order to enable a smooth transition to new contracts.” Any such modifications would have to be be submitted as a recommendation to the University Council and then approved by all required steps involved in the process of amending the Faculty Handbook.
President Hurley’s charge to the committee, and the list of committee members, is available in the Stafford_Fac_Transition_Committee_and_Charge document.
The committee’s recommendations were conveyed in Final Report Stafford Faculty Transition 16 July
President Hurley’s response to the report is contained in the Stafford Memo. In the memo, President Hurley notes that Provost Jay Harper will ” take the lead in implementing and, as necessary, codifying the following policies and procedures that will govern members of the faculty transitioning from three year rolling contracts into other forms of University employment.” See the memo for details about those procedures and policies.
The final time lines referred to in President Hurley’s memo are available in this document: final_UMW_Contract_Transition__Timelines_09-01-10