Conference Travel and Publication Fees Supported by UMW
2014-15 CONFERENCES ATTENDED with UMW Financial Support Provided
(Note that COE faculty gave papers and presentations at more than 30 conferences and professional meetings for AY 2014-2015, many of them not involving any funding support provided by UMW)
- Abeel, L. (2014, November). Annual Conference, National Association of Gifted Children, Program Chair for the Creativity Network for NAGC, November 12-16, Baltimore, MD.
- Broome, J.(2014, November). Presentation, “Towards Global Citizenship: Using ‘The Civic Mission of Schools’ to Assess Adolescent Civic Learning” for the 2014 International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Broome, J. (2014, November). Presentation, “Grappling with Current Events: Visual Source Analysis for Informed Citizenship” for the 2014 National Council for the Social Studies Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Clayton, C. (2015, April). Chair, Paper Session: “Preparing Future Teachers for the Complexities of Responsible Teaching and Activism” for the American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
- Clayton, C. (2015, April). Chair, Roundtable Session. “Action Research and Literacy Development” for the American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL
- Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2015, March). “Google Glass: Using Wearable Technologies to Enhance Teaching and Learning.” 26th International Conference SITE 2015, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Las Vegas, NV.
- Davis, J.S. (2015, February). Paper, “Finding and sharing their stories: Pecha kucha with preservice teachers,” presented at the Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting and conference, February 13-17, 2015, Phoenix, AZ.
- Gentry, R. (2014, November). Papers presented, “What are simulations and how are they used in teacher prep?” and “Do teachers learn behavior management in a computer simulations?” Conference, “Crossroads: Competing Agenda,” Council for Exceptional Children: Teacher Education Division, Nov. 5-8, 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Gentry, R. (2015, June) Presentation, “Simulated Learning Environments for Training Teachers” International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace, Columbia University, June 10-12, 2015, New York, NY.
- Houff, Suzanne. (2015, February) Conference, “Making Lasting Memories: Using Brain Science to Boost Memory,” Learning and the Brain Society, February 12-14, 2015, San Francisco, CA.
- Huffman, Jane. (2014, August) Presentation, “Fusing Resources.” Conference, Association of Teacher Educators, National Summer Conference, August 1 – 4, 2014, Niagara Falls, NY.
- Huffman, Jane. (2015, February) Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, served on the Council of Unit Presidents, Corporate Bylaws Standing Committee, and National Field Director’s Committee, February 12 – 16, 2015, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Sheckels, Marie. (2015, May) Presentation, “Craft(y) Faculty Development Workshops: Teachers as Learners” (with Suzanne Sumner), the 12th Annual Teaching Professor Conference. May 31, 2015, Atlanta, Ga.
- Tyler, J. (2015, April). “A plain wrapper over a five-pound lie: Characterizing a black pulp hero through code-switching (2015)”. Paper presented at joint conference of Southeast Conference on Linguistics and Language Variation in the South IV, Raleigh, NC.
- Walker, J.D. (2015, March) Invited presentation, “Response to Intervention in Elementary settings” Conference, “What Really Works in Education,” sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning at California State University-Northridge, March 12-13, Northridge, California.
2014-15 SUBMISSION/PUBLICATION FEES Paid for College of Education Articles
- none