Grants Awarded: January 2007 – December 2011
Congratulations to all faculty members and staff who received project funding from external sources!
Awarded to: | Project Title | Award Amount | Funding Source: |
Patricia Reynolds, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $82,177 | Virginia Department of Education, December 2011 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | Potomac Wetlands Study | $18,000 | National Park Service, December 2011 |
Ruth Lovelace, Emergency Management and Safety | Update UMW Hazard Mitigation Plan | $50,000 | Virginia Department of Energy Management, October 2011 |
Sgt. Shaun Joes, UMW Police | Improving Enforcement of Underage Drinking | $5,000 | Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage, October 2011 |
Melanie Szculczewski, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Paint Branch Passage and Fish Restoration Project (College Park, Maryland) | $39,995 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, September 2011 |
Patricia Reynolds, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $82,177 | Virginia Department of Education, August 2011 |
Kelli Slunt, Dianne Baker, Jodie Hayob, Ben Kisila, Venitta McCall, and Deb Hydorn | STEM Talent Expansion through Research, Engagement, Preparation, and Scholarships | $262,615 (for first three years with 4th. and 5th. year of funding possible | National Science Foundation, August 2011 |
Dan Preston | James Monroe Papers | $250,000 (for three years) | National Endowment for the Humanities, August 2011 |
Charlie Sharpless, Department of Chemistry | Collaborative Research: Role of organic matter source on the photochemical fate of pharmaceutical compounds | $26,892 (sub-award) | National Science Foundation, August 2011 |
Brian Baker, Small Business Development Center | Hewlett Packard Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) grant | $60,000 | Hewlett Packard Entrepreneurship Programs, July 2011 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | Two contracts with the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME), Geology and Mineral Resources | $5,500 each | Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME), July 2011 |
Deborah O’Dell, Department of Biology | Gene Expression in Mammary Gland Epithelial Cells in Response to Bisphenol A | $3,000 | Virginia Academy of Sciences, June 2011 |
Michael Spencer, Department of Historic Preservation | Historic Structures Report for Bowman-Hite House and Bank Barn | $39,500 | National Park Service, June 2011 |
Marcel Rotter, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (German) | Governor’s German Language Academy | $98,583 (contract) | Virginia Department of Education, March 2011 |
University of Mary Washington | Virginia Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program, Watershed Coordinator Position (position hosted by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) | $62,225 | Department of Conservation and Recreation, Commonwealth of Virginia, December 2010 (renewal of grant first awarded in December 2007) |
Patricia Reynolds and Jo Tyler, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $74,247.84 | Virginia Department of Education, December 2010 |
Stephen Hanna and Jacqueline Gallagher, Department of Geography | Subcontract for GIS data collection and cartography services | $2,557.50 | George Washington Regional Commission, December 2010 |
Andrew Dolby and Deborah O’Dell, Department of Biological Sciences | Enzyme Immunoassay Quantification of Heat Shock Protein 60 and its Application to Avian Conservation Biology | $1,000 | Virginia Society of Ornithology, October 2010 |
Charles Sharpless, Department of Chemistry | Appointment as visiting scientist, July 2011 – June 2012 | ~$48,000 | ETH Zurich ( Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), December 2010 |
B. Ann Wang (student) | Undergraduate research student award (Theresa Grana, faculty sponsor) | $500 | Undergraduate Research Grant, Virginia Academy of Science, October 2010 |
Anum Shaikh (student) | Undergraduate research student award (Deborah O’Dell, faculty sponsor) | $500 | Undergraduate Research Grant, Virginia Academy of Science, October 2010 |
Erin Hayes (student) | Undergraduate research student award (Theresa Grana, faculty sponsor) | $500 | Undergraduate Research Grant, Virginia Academy of Science, October 2010 |
Rita Thompson, Office of Admissions | Rappahannock Scholars Program | $150,000 | Jessie Ball duPont Fund, August 2010 |
Patricia Reynolds, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $65,124 | Virginia Department of Education, July 2010 |
H. Nicole Myers, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | UMW Autism Clinic/Play Lab | $19,967**application submitted through the UMW Foundation | KOVAR (A Virginia Knights of Columbus Charity), June 2010 |
Julius Esunge, Department of Mathematics | Project NExt | $4,343 | Project NExT, June 2010 |
University of Mary Washington | Use of UMW Chemistry, Geology, and Physics Labs by MECEP Program at Quantico | $6,400 | USMC, June 2010 |
Brian Baker, Small Business Development Center | Subcontract with George Mason University | $120,000 | George Mason University, April 2010 |
Allyson Poska, Department of History and American Studies | Gendered Crossings: Transatlantic Migration in the Spanish Empire | $8,400 (approximate) | John Carter Brown Library, March 2010 |
Jessie Fillerup, Department of Music | NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What is Time?” | $24,978 | National Endowment for the Humanities, March 2010 |
Anum Shaikh (student) | Undergraduate research student award (Deborah O’Dell, faculty sponsor) | $250 | Chi Beta Phi, March 2010 |
Nabil Al-Tikriti, Department of History and American Studies | Defining Non-Belief, Delineating Loyalty: The 16th Century Struggle for Ottoman Religious Identity | $15,500 | American Research Institute in Turkey, January 2010 |
University of Mary Washington | Virginia Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program, Watershed Coordinator Position | $59,300 | Department of Conservation and Recreation, Commonwealth of Virginia, December 2009 (renewal of grant first awarded in December 2007) |
Steve Hanna, Department of Geography | Completion of a map for a forthcoming article to be published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | $220 | Jean Hartzell December 2009 |
Steve Hanna, Department of Geography | Completion of a map for Golden Press (to be included in a forthcoming novel by Warren Rochelle) | $484 | Golden Press, December 2009 |
Andrew Buckner (student) |
Undergraduate research student award (Deborah Zies, faculty sponsor) | $500 | Virginia Academy of Science, October 2009 |
Jon Williams (student) |
Undergraduate research student award (Charles Sharpless, faculty sponsor) | $500 | Virginia Academy of Science, October 2009 |
Patricia Reynolds , College of Graduate and Professional Studies (Education) | Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $59,873.47 | Virginia Department of Education, August 2009 |
Norah Hooper, College of Graduate and Professional Studies (Education) | Traineeship for Special Education, Region 3 (continuation project) | $75,000 | Virginia Department of Education, July 2009 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | Remote Sensing Laboratory | $5,000 (subcontract) | Randolph Macon College, July 2009 |
Keith Mellinger, Department of Mathematics | For Calculator Training Workshop (for high school teachers), held at UMW in August 2009 | $2,000 | Texas Instruments, July 2009 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry | Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Compounds (contract) | $10,600 | Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, June 2009 |
Kathryn Loesser-Casey, Department of Biology |
Transmission Electron Microscopic analysis of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis var globigii, and Bacillus anthracis Delta Sterne spores (contract) | $1,720 | Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, June 2009 |
Stephen Hanna, Department of Geography | Funds for a regional planning seminar course, to be taught in spring 2010 | $2,500 | Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission, June 2009 |
University of Mary Washington | Use of UMW Chemistry Lab by MECEP Program at Quantico | $2,905 | USMC, June 2009 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | Technical Support to the Virginia Geographic Alliance (contract) | $4,500 | Virginia Geographic Alliance, June 2009 |
Carolyn Parsons, Special Collections, Simpson Library | IMLS Connecting to Collections Bookshelf | $800 | Institute of Museum and Library Services, June 2009 |
Anne Timpano, Ridderhof-Martin Gallery | IMLS Connecting to Collections Bookshelf | $800 | Institute of Museum and Library Services, June 2009 |
Brian Baker, Rappahannock Region Small Business Development Center | Subcontract with George Mason University | $10,000 | George Mason University, June 2009 |
Kelli Slunt , Department of Chemistry and Venitta McCall, Department of Education | Science Inquiry in the Environment (SINE) | $211,827 | Virginia Department of Education, Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP)February 2009 |
Charles Sharpless, Department of Chemistry | Probing the Mechanism of Singlet Oxygen Production by Natural Organic Matter | $9,810 | Virginia Academy of Science Gwathmey Chemistry Award, February 2009 |
Alan Griffith, Department of Biology | Diagnostic Question Clusters to Improve Student Reasoning in General Biology | $28,166 | National Science Foundation, subcontract with Hampshire College, February 2009 |
Deborah Zies, Department of Biology | The Role of PPARgamma in the Differentiation and Function of Kidney Cortical Collecting Duct Cells | $20,000 | Jeffress Memorial Trust, January 2009 |
Anne Timpano, Ridderhof-Martin Gallery | Museum Assessment Program grant | $950 | American Association of Museums, January 2009 |
David Berreth, Gari Melchers Home and Studio | Preservation of Belmont Dependencies (three outbuildings on the Belmont property) | $10,000 | Roller-Bottimore Foundation, December 2008 |
Shawn Humphreys (and students), Department of Economics | La Ceiba Microfinance Initiative (Honduras) | $1,000 | Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region, December 2008 |
David Berreth, Gari Melchers Home and Studio | Preservation of Belmont Dependencies (three outbuildings on the Belmont property) | $10,000 | Richard Gwathmey and Caroline T. Gwathmey Memorial Trust, December 2008 |
University of Mary Washington | Virginia Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program, Watershed Coordinator Position | $62,500 | Department of Conservation and Recreation, Commonwealth of Virginia, December 2008 (renewal of grant first awarded in December 2007) |
Patricia Reynolds, College of Graduate and Professional Studies (Education) | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $60,116.46 | Virginia Department of Education, November 2008 |
Mara Scanlon, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication;Brady Earnhart, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication;James Groom, Instructional Technology Specialist | “Looking for Whitman: The Poetry of Place in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman,” a collaboration among Mary Washington, the City University of New York City College of Technology, New York University and Rutgers University at Camden. | $3,500(UMW share of the overall $25,000 grant) | National Endowment for the Humanities, September 2008 |
Alan Griffith, Department of Biology | Impacts of herbivory on Aeschynomene virginica | $550 (contract) | Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, August 2008 |
Mindy Erchull, Department of Psychology | An Exploration of Objectification in Menstrual Product Advertisements | $2,000 | National Psi Chi Faculty Advisor Research Grant Program, August 2008 |
Norah Hooper , College of Graduate and Professional Studies (Education) | Traineeships for Education of Special Education Personnel (Region 3) | $75,000 | Virginia Department of Education, July 2008 |
Patricia Reynolds, College of Graduate and Professional Studies (Education) | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $52,219.60 | Virginia Department of Education, July 2008 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | Remote Sensing Laboratory | $3,000 (subcontract) | Randolph Macon College, July 2008 |
Antonio Barrenechea, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication | Participant in National Humanities Center Institute | $9,521 | Jesse Ball duPont Foundation, June 2008 |
Kelli Slunt, Department of Chemistry | Use of UMW Chemistry Lab by MECEP Program at Quantico | $2,905 (contract) | USMC, June 2008 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry | Educational Partnership Agreement with NSWC at Dahlgren | for loan of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrument (NMR) | NSWC, June 2008 |
Alan Griffith, Department of Biology | “Best Dam Project Ever” | $500 | The Nature Conservance in Virginia, March 2008 |
Shawn Humphreys (and students), Department of Economics | Students Helping Honduras: Indoor Air Pollution Initiative | $1,000 | Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Foundation, January 2008 |
Ron Zarcharski , Department of Computer Science | Computer Analysis of Cyberterrorism against the U.S. | $19,988 (subcontract) | New Mexico State University, January 2008 |
University of Mary Washington | Virginia Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program, Watershed Coordinator Position | $62,500 | Department of Conservation and Recreation, Commonwealth of Virginia, December 2007) |
Charles Sharpless, Department of Chemistry | Probing the Origins of Natural Organic Matter Photochemistry Using Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Approaches | $25,460 | Research Corporation, May 2007 |
Allyson Poska, Department of History and American Studies | “Iberian Regionalism and the Formation of Gender Norms in Colonial Spanish America” | $60,000 | American Council of Learned Societies, March 2007 |
Nabil Al-Tikriti, Department of History and American Studies | “Addressing Ethnic Conflict and Population Displacement in Iraq” | $57,000 | U.S. Institute for Peace, Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship, April 2007 |
Robert Barr, Department of Political Science and International Affairs | “Understanding Populism” | $60,000 | Smith Richardson Foundation, Junior Faculty Grant for International Security and Foreign Policy, October 2007 |
Ben Kisila, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | “Sediment Chronology to Aid in Historical Analysis of PCB Influx in Lake Anna Sediments, Spotsylvania and Orange Counties, Virginia” | $13,092 | Army Corps of Engineers, July 2007 |
Ben Kisila, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | “Sediment Chronology and Influx Rates to Aid in Historical Analysis of PCB Influx in Lake Anna (Near Cooling Intake) and WHTF (Lagoons 1 & 2) Sediments” | $5,338 | Dominion Virginia Power, October 2007 |
Meghan Budinger, James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library | “Publication of ‘The Making of a Revolutionary'” | $1,974 | Virginia Foundation for Humanities, August 2007 |
Meghan Budinger, James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library | “James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library Costume Collection” | $26,262 | National Endowment for the Arts, “Save Our Treasures”, May 2007 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry | “New Reagents for the Solution of Phase Synthesis of Alkylguanidines” | $50,000 | American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund Preliminary notification received in October 2007; final award notice due in December 2007 |
Teresa Coffman, College of Graduate and Professional Studies (Education)with Stafford County school system | “Technology Resource Teachers (TRT) Role in Teacher Preparation” | $10,000 | Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, August 2007 |
Debra Hydorn, Department of Mathematics, Alan Griffith and Kathryn Loesser-Casey, Department of Biology | Promoting Biostatistics” | $3,000 | American Statistical Association, November 2007 |
Kathryn Loesser-Casey and Lynn Lewis, Department of Biology | “The Freshman Biology Class We Wish We Had Taken in College” | Course development and materials costs for three years | Howard Hughes Medical Institute, November 2007 |
Meghan Budinger, James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library | “Publication of ‘The Making of a Revolutionary'” | $500 | Community Foundation of the Rappahannock Region (Ukrop’s First Market Bank Fund)November 2007 |
Alan Griffith, Department of Biology | “Diagnostic Question Clusters to Improve Student Reasoning and Understanding in Biology Courses” | $13, 125 | National Science Foundation (CO-PI on grant awarded to Hamsphire College), November 2007 |