Information About Applying for External Funding
All proposals for grants, fellowships, contracts, or agreements to provide services (such as offering a course or workshop) to be funded by ANY external entity (government, business, foundation, etc.) must receive prior approval from all appropriate UMW officials BEFORE the proposal is submitted. The levels of approval required are noted on the External Funding Cover Sheet.
The University of Mary Washington supports the solicitation and acceptance of external/sponsored support for projects and activities that have a close connection with the University’s mission and strategic plan objectives. Typical externally funded projects that might be appropriate include (but are not limited to) research projects, acquisition of equipment, support for the teaching or public service functions of the University, faculty/staff/student development and training, or other projects and activities closely related to the University’s normal programs and activities.
Faculty members interested in submitting proposals to external funding sources should first contact the Associate Dean in their College to indicate their intention to apply for external funding. Staff members should contact Julie Smith, Associate Vice President for Finance.
The steps involved in submitting an external funding application are summarized at the link on the left titled “Approval Process for External Funding.”
All grants, contracts, and other such agreements must be made in the name of the University of Mary Washington. The University President, the Chief of Staff, the Vice President for Administration and Finance, and the Associate Vice President for Finance are the only individuals authorized accept grants on behalf of the University of Mary Washington or to execute sub-award contracts that would lead to the acceptance of grant funding from an external entity.