Scroll down to see awards from January 2012 – December 2016
Awarded To | Project Title | Amount | Funding Source |
Venitta McCall, George Meadows, and Marie Sheckels (College of Education), and Debra Hydorn (Department of Mathematics) | Improving Teacher Quality State Grant | $199,998 |
Virginia Department of Education December 2016 |
Daniel Hirshberg and Steve Rabson, Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion | Small Program Grant in Japanese Studies | $21,535 |
Japan Foundation December 2016 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Course | $5,700 |
Northern Neck Planning District
December 2016 |
Marjorie Och, Department of Art and Art History | Richmond-AIFS Rome Summer Fellowship |
$xx (Per diem value of room and board provided in Rome for 12 days) |
Richmond University, The American International University in London December 2016 |
Eric Gable, Department of Sociology and Anthropology | Co-Arg: Cogent Argumentation System with Crowd Elicitation | $17,013.41 |
Subaward with George Mason University (Office of Anticipating Surprise grant) October 2016 |
Marissa Miller, Title IX | “Program to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus” | $299,926 |
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women September 2016 |
Venitta McCall, Courtney Clayton (College of Education), and Debra Hydorn (Department of Mathematics) | “Pathways to Excellence, Serving Regions 3 and 4” | $38,183.37 |
Virginia Department of Education September 2016 |
George Meadows, College of Education | School Libraries as Sites for Watershed Education | $4,600 |
Chesapeake Bay Trust September 2016 |
Suzanne Sumner and Debra Hydorn (Department of Mathematics) and Marie Sheckels (College of Education) |
Spotsylvania Math and Science Partnership | $9,600 |
Virginia Department of Education July 2016 |
Leah Cox, Special Assistant to the President for Diversity and Inclusion |
College Sexual Assault Policy and Prevention Initiative | $30,000 |
Subaward from Futures without Violence (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services grant) July 2016 |
Scott Jones, Director of the UMW Dahlgren Campus Center for Education and Research |
Offer a special non-credit version of the introduction to computer science (taught by David Jennings) at the Dahlgren Campus for a group from the Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) | $7,500 |
Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) June 2016 |
Marco Millones Mayer, Department of Geography | “Expanding the Reach of MERL (monitoring, evaluation, research and learning)” | $22,551 |
Subaward from the University of California, Santa Barbara (University of Notre Dame and USAID are prime sponsors) May 2016 |
Nina Mikhalevsky, College of Education |
Professional Development Workshops for elementary special educators | $25,000 | Stafford County Public Schools |
Leanna Giancarlo and Kelli Slunt, Department of Chemistry |
To host the 2016 U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad study camp | $40,000 |
American Chemical Society (contract) April 2016 |
Steve Harris, Department of History |
Verville Fellowship for academic year 2016-2017 in support of his book project Wings of the Motherland. | $60,000 |
National Air and Space Museum April 2016 |
Scott Jones, Director of the UMW Dahlgren Campus Center for Education and Research |
Provide a 3-credit Calculus 1 (UMW MATH 121 121) course for JWAC personnel on the Dahlgren Campus. | $10,500 |
Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) April 2016 |
Jeff McClurken, Department of History and Special Assistant to the Provost for Technology, Teaching, and Innovation |
Developing multi-campus, distance and team-taught digital liberal arts research seminars | $70,000 |
Three-year subaward from COPLAC (Andrew Mellon Foundation grant) March 2016 |
Cassandra Good, James Monroe Papers |
Research fellowship in support of her book project on George Washington’s Descendants and the Politics of Family. | $1,000 |
Virginia Historical Society March 2016 |
Mike Lapke, College of Business |
Faculty Fellowship (fall 2016) — Information Systems Security Research | $45,000 |
University of Jyväskylä in Jyväskylä, Finland February 2016 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography |
Develop a series of maps and charts to visualize data related to the delivery of malaria nets in Africa. | $4,000 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies January 2016 |
Venitta McCall, Courtney Clayton (College of Education), and Debra Hydorn (Department of Mathematics) |
“Pathways to Excellence, Serving Region 3” | $35,606 |
Virginia Department of Education November 2015 |
Roberta Gentry, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations |
“Special Education Teacher Support Grant for Regions 3 and 4” | $22,522 |
Virginia Department of Education, September 2015 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry |
Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM) analysis of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis var globigii, and Bacillus anthracis Delta Sterne spores and Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Compounds (contract) | $13,020 (for second option year) |
Naval Surface Warfare Center (Dahlgren) July 2015 |
Michael Spencer, Department of Historic Preservation | Moisture Ingress Investigation and Treatment Plan for the Second Bank of the United States, Independence National Historical Park | $73,995.63 |
National Park Service June 2015 |
Douglas Sanford, Department of Historic Preservation |
Archaeological Field School and Research Project on Sherwood Forest Property (Stafford County) | $10,000 | Walton Development and Management Group, June 2015 |
Surupa Gupta, Department of Political Science and International Affairs |
Asian Studies Fellowship | $13,500 | East-West Center in Washington, DC, May 2015 |
Melody Denhere, Department of Mathematics |
Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences | $6,500 | Mathematical Association of America, April 2015 |
George Meadows, College of Education |
Engineering Solutions to Environmental Problems: Cleaning Up Oil Spills | $2,390 | Chesapeake Bay Trust, April 2015 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry |
Summer Research Fellowship for 2015 | $14,000 | Naval Surface Warfare Center (Dahlgren), March 2015 |
Mary Kayler, Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation |
M.O.L.I.E. Meets Canvas and the Open Web | $10,000 | Instructure, March 2015 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry |
Sabbatical Fellowship for 2015-2016 | $27,322 | Naval Surface Warfare Center (Dahlgren), February 2015 |
Melanie Szulczewski (Earth and Environmental Sciences) | Fulbright Fellowship to Poland (from spring semester 2016) | providing travel and living expenses | Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, February 2015 |
Nabil Al-Tikriti, Department of History and American Studies |
Visiting Faculty Member, Georgetown University program in Alanya, Turkey (deferred until 2016) | $20,000 | McGhee Center, Georgetown University, November 2014 |
Roberta Gentry, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations |
“Traineeship for Education of Special Education Personnel for Regions 3 and 4” | $23,473 | Virginia Department of Education, October 2014 |
Deborah O’Dell, Department of Biology (supporting undergraduate research by students Virginia King and Riley Scalzo) |
Cell Phone Induced Gene Expression in Glioblastoma Cells | $500 | Virginia Academy of Science, October 2014 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry |
Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM) analysis of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis var globigii, and Bacillus anthracis Delta Sterne spores and Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Compounds (contract) | $12,680 (for first option year) | Naval Surface Warfare Center (Dahlgren), August 2014 |
Kelli Slunt (Department of Chemistry), Dianne Baker (Biological Sciences), Jodie Hayob and Ben Kisila (Earth and Environmental Sciences), Venitta McCall (Curriculum and Instruction), and Deb Hydorn (Mathematics) | STEM Talent Expansion through Research, Engagement, Preparation, and Scholarships | $181,441 | National Science Foundation, August 2014 (fourth and fifth years of a previously awarded grant) |
Dan Preston |
James Monroe papers | $290,000 (for three years) | National Endowment for the Humanities, July 2014 |
Davis Oldham, Department of Chemistry (with student Alex Priest) |
Discovery of Novel Tuberculosis Theraputics | $4,901 (value of 50,000 hours of supercomputing time) | XSEDE, July 2014 |
Jonathan Levin, Provost’s Office |
Faculty Conversations on the LEAP Value Rubrics | $1,000 | State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, June 2014 |
Neil Tibert, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
“Holocene Sedimentation and Sea Level History of the Tidal Marshes of the Potomac and Rappahannock Estuaries” | $13,371 | National Parks Service (contract), June 2014 |
Stephen Hanna, Department of Geography | “Transformation of Racialized American Southern Heritage Landscapes” | $30,278 | National Science Foundation, subcontract with the University of Southern Mississippi, March 2014 |
Cassandra Good, James Monroe Papers | Fellowship at the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington | $3,000 plus one month resident at the Library’s DeVos Scholars’ Residence | MVLA (Mount Vernon Ladies Association), February 2014 |
David Ambuel and Steve Rabson, Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion | Japan-related visiting presentations, books and videos, and one course in Japanese literature to be taught in the Fall semester | $17,137 | Japan Foundation, February 2014 |
Stephen Davies, Department of Computer Science | An agent-based model to investigate ecological survival strategies in a rare tidal wetlands plant | $4,901 (value of 50,000 hours of supercomputing time) | XSEDE, January 2014 |
University of Mary Washington | Virginia Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program, Watershed Coordinator Position (position hosted by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences for three months in 2014) | $17,788 | Department of Conservation and Recreation, Commonwealth of Virginia, December 2013 (last renewal of grant first awarded in December 2007) |
Steve Hanna, Department of Geography | Use Geospatial methods and tools to select all parcels in the Commonwealth of Virginia that intersect with 123 Civil War Battlefield study areas as demarcated by the American Battlefields Preservation Plan (contract) | $18,450 | Preservation Partners, LLC of Fredericksburg, Virginia, November 2013 |
Patricia Reynolds, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum (for spring 2014) | $90,115.20 | Virginia Department of Education, November 2013 |
Roberta Gentry, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | “Traineeship for Education of Special Education Personnel for Regions 3 and 4” | $35,840 | Virginia Department of Education, October 2013 |
Janet Asper, Department of Chemistry, and Kathryn Loesser-Casey, Department of Biology | Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM) analysis of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis var globigii, and Bacillus anthracis Delta Sterne spores and Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Compounds (contract) | $22,747 (for initial year; four option years possible) | Naval Surface Warfare Center (Dahlgren), October 2013 |
Charlie Sharpless, Department of Chemistry | “Collaborative Research: Oxygenation of Hydrocarbons in the Ocean” | $106,763 | National Science Foundation, July 2013 |
Nabil Al-Tikriti, Department of History and American Studies | Library grant — to increase holdings in Turkish and Ottoman studies | $5,000 | Institute of Turkish Studies, May 2013 |
Christine Grosse, College of Business | “Foreign Language Teacher Preparation in Business Languages and Cultures” | $1,500 | Illinois Center for International Business Education and Research, April 2013 |
David Toth, Department of Computer Science | One Tesla K20 GPU for use in research my Summer Science students | $3,500 | NVIDIA, April 2013 |
Ben LaBreche, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication | “Liberty Agonistes – a study of 17th Century theories on liberty (particularly the writings of John Milton)” | $2,500 — one month fellowship | Folger Shakespeare Library, April 2013 |
Ben LaBreche, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication | “Liberty Agonistes – a study of 17th Century theories on liberty (particularly the writings of John Milton)” | $1,200 – travel stipend | Henry Ransom Center, March 2013 |
Ben LaBreche, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication | “Liberty Agonistes – a study of 17th Century theories on liberty (particularly the writings of John Milton)” | $45,000 | Solmsen Fellowship, Institute for Research in Humanities, University of Wisconsin, March 2013 |
Ben LaBreche, Department of English, Linguistics, and Communication | “Liberty Agonistes – a study of 17th Century theories on liberty (particularly the writings of John Milton)” | $2,500 — one month of summer financial support | UCLA William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, March 2013 |
Chris Kilmartin, Department of Psychology | Appointment as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership | $119,689 | United States Air Force Academy, February 2013 |
Brian Rizzo, Department of Geography | “On-Site Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Course” | $10,965 | Law Library of Congress, February 2013 |
David Toth, Department of Computer Science, and Theresa Grana, Department of Biological Sciences | “Teaching Undergraduates to Use Supercomputing in the Sciences” | $4,910 (value of 60,000 hours of time on the 7th fastest computer on the planet) | XSEDE, February 2013 |
Gwen Hale (Writing Center and Writing Program Director) and Ethan Bottone (student) | “Virginia is for Writers,” (designed to begin multiple high school-university writing center collaborations throughout the state” | $300 | Southeastern Writing Center Association, January 2013 |
University of Mary Washington | Virginia Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program, Watershed Coordinator Position (position hosted by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) | $67,000 | Department of Conservation and Recreation, Commonwealth of Virginia, December 2012 (renewal of grant first awarded in December 2007) |
Mary Kayler (Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation) with Christina Eggenberger (Center for Honor, Leadership, and Service) | “Service Learning Seminar: Recasting and Drawing Upon a Wider Net” | $1,000 | American Association for Colleges and Universities, November 2012 |
Norah Hooper, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | “Traineeship for Education of Special Education Personnel for Regions 3 and 4” | $30,858 | Virginia Department of Education, October 2012 |
David Toth, Department of Computer Science | “Identifying Inhibitors of the Fungal Virulence Factor Cbp1.” Collaborative project with Merrimack University. | $114,278 (value of 1,396,698 hours of time on the 40th fastest computer on the planet) | XSEDE, September 2012 |
David Toth, Department of Computer Science | “Identifying Inhibitors that Prevent the Complexation of HIV-1 Tat•P-TEFb thus Blocking HIV Replication.” Collaborative project with Merrimack University. | $34,500 (value of 421,667 hours of time on the 40th fastest computer on the planet) | XSEDE, September 2012 |
David Toth, Department of Computer Science | “Introducing Computer Science Students to Supercomputing in a Parallel Computing Course” | $4,910 (value of 60,000 hours of time on the 40th fastest computer on the planet) | XSEDE, August 2012 |
Patricia Reynolds, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum (for fall 2012 and spring 2013) | $174,787.20 | Virginia Department of Education, August 2012 |
Deborah Zies, Department of Biological Sciences | Cloning and characterization of the human RAI1 promoter | $1,200 | Virginia Academy of Sciences, July 2012 |
Andrew Dolby, Department of Biological Sciences | Bird breeding impact study at Poplar Ford Park(Fairfax County, VA) | $5,210 | Fairfax County (Virginia) Parks Authority, March 2012 |
Patricia Reynolds, Department of Foundations, Leadership, and Special Populations | Additional section of TESL 532: Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum | $41,007.60 | Virginia Department of Education, addendum awarded in February 2012 |