Welcome to the University of Mary Washington!
Separate orientation sessions are held for full-time faculty and for adjunct faculty.
Full Time Faculty
The opening orientation session for new full time faculty will begin on Monday, August 17, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. in Lee Hall, room 412. A continental breakfast will be available in the same location at 8 a.m. The orientation session starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. The opening orientation session will feature a greeting from the UMW Provost and his staff along with important academic information necessary for starting the semester. This session will also provide an outline of several follow-up meetings for new full time faculty that will occur on Tuesday, August 18 and at several other dates during the academic year. Following the opening academic orientation, the Office of Human Resources (HR) will present an orientation for new faculty focusing on benefits information and workplace/employment information and policies. The HR Orientation will begin at 9:45 a.m., also in Lee Hall 412. It will last into the afternoon. Lunch will be provided.
Adjunct Faculty
The opening orientation session for new adjunct faculty members will occur on Tuesday, August 18, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. in Monroe Hall Hall, room 114. The orientation will focus on a number of practical tasks such as how to find one’s UMW login), how to retrieve course rolls and grade rosters, how to navigate in the UMW Learning Management System (called Canvas), how to use the “early alert system” to notify students of academic concerns and issues (called Starfish), and other useful topics designed to help new adjunct faculty get off to a great start.
Navigating the campuses
A map of the Fredericksburg campus
Directions to UMW’s campuses at Stafford and Dahlgren
Learning the lingo!
This handout offers help in “decoding” some of the terms, nicknames, and acronyms you’ll hear tossed about on campus.
Preparing your course syllabi
All faculty are required to submit a digital copy of the syllabus for each course taught. These documents provide useful instructions about preparing the course syllabus.
•Digital Syllabi Guidance for New Faculty
•Student Learning Outcomes and the Syllabus
•Student Learning Outcomes for General Education Courses
Contact Information — Who can you turn to for help?
These two documents list the names, numbers, and web sites for a number of key administrators, offices, staff, and faculty members.
Referral Sheet for New Faculty
Orientation to Library resources
UMW’s Librarians have posted some very useful information at this url: UMW Library Resources
Keeping up with the academic calendar
Important dates and deadlines are noted at: Dates for Instructional Faculty
Activities During “Pre-Week”
Several important events occur during the so-called “Pre-Week” — the week before classes start. This calendar lists these events. Most activities listed are designed for full time faculty.
Final Examination Schedule
You are to administer a final examination in a full semester long course during the exam week — follow this schedule. For eight week courses, the last day of the course is the final exam day. Additional details about final exams are found at this location.
UMW policies regarding final examinations (and requests for rescheduling an exam time) can be found here. Also, note these important final examination reminders from the Faculty Handbook.
To locate your UMW Netid
This is the identification login you will need to access UMW technology systems. Find your Net ID and learn how to set and reset your password here.
Also, take note of the “Helpful Links” on the Provost’s homepage for additional materials that you might find useful.