Step-by-Step Grading Instructions
Sample Scenarios for Advisors
What should I advise if a student is currently in a second attempt of a course?
CRT/P-19/NCRT all count as a course attempt, therefore if a student is not going to pass the course and needs the specific course for their degree (e.g. PSYC-261 for psychology majors), students should NOT opt into the new grading scale if they are going to fail and receive
NC. Rather, the student should complete a traditional withdrawal, which assigns the “W” and allows the student to retake the course again.
When should I counsel an advisee to remain in the traditional letter grade (A-F) grading scale?
In cases in which the student’s letter grade will not negatively impact their cumulative and/or major GPAs, it is advisable to have the student remain in the traditional grading scale. One exception may be cases in which a student must earn a minimum grade as a part of an academic recovery plan (e.g. students who are on academic probation with a plan to avoid suspension at the end of the term that may require minimum grade in a course retake). In many cases, there are details not provided in EAB which outline the student’s academic recovery plan.
Should I encourage students to select the traditional pass/fail (P/F) option for any Spring 2020 classes?
In most cases, no. “Pass” will not satisfy general education or major requirements. Students who were previously in a P/F class may remain on the P/F grading scale but should move to CRT/P-19/NCRT if they risk failing the course. Receiving the NCRT would not impact the student’s GPA while the traditional F would. There may – and these would be very few – be students who are confident that they will pass a course and who would rather have a grade of “Pass,” rather than “Credit” or “Pass-19” on their transcript.
If I have an advisee who is concerned about the new grading scale and needs assistance, how can I best help?
You should first encourage the student to attend one of the upcoming information sessions hosted by the Office of Academic Services via Zoom. These sessions will provide an overview of the new grading scale and general information that will help students understand their options. In addition, students will review the steps they need to take in order to change their grading scale in individual courses. Second, the student should assess their grade in their individual spring courses to determine if they should change their grading scale. As needed, you may want to speak with the student to discuss anything related to their individual progress and/or their options. In most cases, general questions about the grading scale will already be addressed through the information session with Academic Services.